Wednesday, April 23, 2014

4-18 20% Project

The questions I still have about virtual tours are as follows:

How are they made?

What was involved in the making of this program? What kind of special graphics were used? How is it so user friendly?

How much money did it take to cover this project?

The virtual tours that I chose for my project were free, but I know that it must have cost something to start the project. How much were the creators paid? How much money was spent on advertising?

Can anyone make a virtual tour, or does it require deep knowledge about computers and technology?

Is the program user-friendly enough so that any teacher could make one of what ever site they want their students to see? Or, do virtual tour only work for certain things and places and you have to wait on the creators to make them. Can you request tourist sites?

Who are the original creators?

Whoever came up with this idea should be paid for their creative and innovative idea that could enhance the education of students across the world.

Why isn’t this implemented in more schools?

I feel like virtual tours should be implemented in all schools who are not able to provide as many opportunities to their students because of a lack of money on behalf of the school district and their family income. I believe all children deserve an equal opportunity of education.

Does the making of these virtual tours require special training?

                Is there training? If there is, how much does it cost to attend?



4-11 20% Project

My project relates to this Introduction to Computers for Teachers (EDIT 2000) class because it involves innovative technology. Virtual tours have not been around for very long. They are still relatively new and I think they should be incorporated in more schools.

It also relates to Introduction to Computers for Teachers (EDIT 2000) because it involves education. This class is about new ways to influence education using technology. This class realizes the importance of education and the impact that technology has on education. This class as well as my project is focused on virtual tours, which uses technology, either in the classroom or at home. There is no specific place where these virtual tours must be shown.

My project also relates to this Introduction to Computers for Teachers (EDIT 2000) class because it involves creativity. Creativity is what was used to make the virtual tours. And like any other great idea, I am sure this idea came from a need. The need must have been from someone who was unable to visit certain places like space, but they still wanted to be able to see and visualize certain aspects of life. The creators must have felt the same way I do about being able to expand a person’s mind no matter their financial circumstances or situations.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

3-21 20% Project

I have changed my 20% Project at least three times. In fact, recently I have changed it to the use of virtual tours. Because I kept shifting the focus of my project, I have not personally talked to any experts about my project.  However, we have talked about virtual tours in class and I have even done research on them.

The main goal of my final project is to provide a service to the less fortunate for free so that they may still be exposed to things their parents are not able to provide for them. I believe it is not fair for any child to miss out on opportunities due to their parents’ financial status. Therefore, this program will expand the surroundings as well as the mindset of students with the pleasure of remaining inside of the classroom.

My classmates seemed supportive of virtual touring. I do not remember hearing any objections to it. But, why should there be. It is a chance for students to use technology and to learn new things. No one should object to such a program. It is designed to help people, not hurt them.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

comm and collab post

This project was a lot more fun. I got along better with my group members, therefore, I felt more comfortable around them.  For this project, we had to choose a creative and innovative way to do an old technique. Our group chose notebooks and note-taking. Evernote was the tool that we decided to use.
In the video we came up with different ways and scenarios in which people use their notebooks or take notes. Evernote provides an easier way to take note and it is also less of a hassle. Evernote is free, and easier to use as well as easier to keep up with.
Within the video, the scenarios were acted out in a way that people would be able to relate to. One showed when you’ve missed a day in class and you missed the notes. The next scenario shows when you can’t find what you’re looking for in your notes to answer questions in class. Another scenario is an exaggerated version of having to keep up with way too much stuff because you have so many pages of notes. The last scenario described be trying to inserted a diagram into my notes.
The video is sure to explain that the struggle to make the previously stated things easier to accomplish by using Evernote. Evernote offers lots of features that make taking notes and organizing them more simple.

Our group worked well together although it was hard to get everyone to come to class every day. A couple of our group members missed class for personal reasons and got sick on different days, but they were still able to complete their part of the project so that everyone was able to participate. We were even able to complete the assignment on time even though we lost a few days do to absences. I liked this team more than the previous one I had! We worked well together!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

3.7 20% Project Post

How are you using social media to find resources to think about/write about? Are you interacting with others via social media on topics related to your project? Are you commenting on related blogs and asking for comments/feedback on yours?


I am using social media for research as well. For instance, on Twitter I can type in anything ‘like technology in schools’ or ‘organizations supporting technology in schools’. The discovery search engine in twitter is used like a google search engine and it will lead me to websites, news articles, books, and more that will help me to find information for my 20% project. It will also lead me to more people interested in technology for students.

I will also use social media to post my thoughts. Posting my thoughts on my page will encourage people to comment on my page about how they can help and what they know about the basis of my 20% project. This will also encourage more interaction and opinions on the subject matter.

I am interacting with people involved in education on my Twitter page. I do not really use Facebook as much. I think there are faster responses on twitter, even though you can only use 140 characters.

The only true interaction that I have with other people is through the blogs from class.

2-28 20% Project Post


Students across the United States may benefit from my 20% project. It will also help teachers across the nation. My 20% project will break down barriers and limits that have been put in place because of poverty that the students have no control of. I believe the socioeconomic status of students’ parents should not determine the quality of their education. After all, they have no say in it and they probably had little to do with their parents’ financial state. It is like children are punished for something they did not do, and what is worse is that the students and even some of the parents are unaware of the slack or mediocre education their children are getting.

My 20% project will allow teachers to go above and beyond their teaching standards. With the all-access technology, teachers will be able to help the students to visualize things that they aren’t able to see in actuality. Teachers will then be able to not spend so much time on one subject because students will be able to complete more assignments at home as well.

I will write my blog in informal terms so that students of the middle school and high school age are able to understand it. This way, anyone with at least an elementary school education will be able to understand my 20% project. I will also include pictures and photographs for more of a visual aid so that people are able to visualize my vision for this project.

2-14 20% Project Post

My topic is a little too broad. At first, I wanted to be able to provide virtual field trips for students who want to go to museums and other places, but cannot afford to go. Now, I want to be able to provide technology to the school districts who are unable to provide this technology to their students because of budget cuts and not having enough money to support themselves. I feel like most people strive to get computers in school and do not take time to think about what the students will used outside of the school. It is assumed that students without access to computers in school and at home and without internet access as well. Therefore, I will be looking for organizations that will help to support my cause. I will also be looking into how I will be able to issue out some source of technology so that the students are always able to have internet access.

Once I have figured out how students will have computer and internet access, I will enforce virtual field trips for the unfortunate districts who are unable to finance these kinds of trips. This way, the students will be able to visit other countries and museums from the classroom or from their homes.

Both will be used to benefit the students because it has become nearly impossible for students to complete assignments and projects without computer and internet access. With this program, students will be able to reach endless possibilities in their education.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Floor Plan

My floor plan for my classroom includes two rooms. One room will be used during instructional class time while learning new material, taking tests and quizzes, and when completing worksheets given. The second room will be used for interactive purposes. This is where activities will be used and where labs will be practiced so that students will be able to enhance their learning through visual concepts.

The reason I split my classroom into two separate rooms is so that the children will have more of a chance to move around within the rooms and so that learning can be more fun.  Inside of the instructional room, there are long desks around the room so that I will be able to see each of the students equally. With the classroom in this position, I feel like the students will get a sense of personalized learning because I will be able to see what they do and guide them through assignments easier with this structure. My desk sits at the front of the classroom where there are also white boards so that I may teach new material.

The interactive lab is where science experiments, reading time, computer research, etc. will be done in class. Here, students will be able to use visual aids more frequently, which should increase their understanding of the curricula. I believe that this second room will make a huge difference in their learning because it is a form of active learning that forces them to get more involved and engaged in the lesson. This way, students will not only be able to recall facts, but they will also be able to demonstrate techniques as well.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Is School Enough"

"Is School Enough"

The characters that were most impressive were the students toward the beginning of the film that took great interest in the technology program. This was the most interesting to me because they took the program that had already been created, and made it into their own. They did this so much so that they were able to present to a board of adults while articulating each part of the software. These students took charge of their own learning, and they were able to motivate themselves as well as others to do the same. These students are strong advocates for the software!
I do consider myself a 21st century learner solely because of the amount of time I spend using technology. It has become nearly impossible to complete assignments from any subject in school without the use of technology. However, I do not think I am a 21st century learner because I do not feel that I have complete control over the things I learn. Throughout grade school, I had no control over the curriculum I was required to learn due to state standards. Therefore, I memorized a lot just for the good grade, but I did not soak in the material. In this aspect, I did not have much in common with the kids from the video, except having the drive to learn what will benefit me in the future. However, as a college student with a declared major, I do have some control over the things I learn. I make my own schedule and I only take classes that pertain to the major I have chosen, which is Middle School Education.
As a future teacher, I plan to let the students be more hands-on in their learning. For example, I assume that most of them would rather watch more educational videos than listen to me lecture new material. I will be sure to add videos appropriately in certain parts of class time.
Technology was a huge part of the characters' lives. Without it, they wouldn't have been able to complete projects as efficiently.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


I do agree with the trends listed in the report because technology is becoming more useful in schools. These days it is nearly impossible for people to complete assignments and projects without the internet being available to them. Also, teachers use technology as visual aids for students, allowing them to a chance to actively participate in class activities as well. While I was in grades k-12, technology was used as each of the key terms described. For instance, in high school, my Calculus teacher used Facebook to answer our questions about homework she had given.

These new technology trends influence personal learning by making learning more interactive. Students are now to participate in active learning along with their classmates while learning is still personalized.

I agree with the challenges in technology. A lot of people view technology as a distraction in- and out-side of schools. With this in mind, how can things ever get better for technology in education? Technology cannot be innovated and permitted into schools if people do not believe the transformation and help it can provide for students. We could use more digital media for formative assessment for the students

I am interested in mobile learning the most because most students own mobile devices that they bring to school and everywhere else they go as well. Why not uses these devices to teach students so that they may learn “on-the-go”?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Personal Reflection

Personally, I am a visual and kinesthetic learner. While listening is a key component in learning, I must be able to see the concept as well as be able to do the concept before I can say I have truly learned the new material. Therefore, I am a strong advocate for the use of technology. I believe that technology is a great visual aid for students, and it will also allow the opportunity for students to actively participate in the lesson.
Some people believe that technology is just a distraction in schools. This is because of the use of cell phones to text or check social media. However, there are even ways of implementing meaningful learning through the use of cell phones. For instance, there is an app for UGA students that allow them to answer questions in class. Since students are on their phones a lot anyway, I think this was a great way to keep students from their main distractions in the classroom by keeping them on their phones but also engaged in the class lecture.
Our society is becoming more dependent upon technology every day. So, in order for students to be able to keep up with the times and to succeed, they must know how to use them. Why not maximize learning by teaching them to use technology in school.
One problem with this is that everyone will not have the same amount of access to technology. In this case, what is the solution for the less fortunate students?
I would be sure to implement technology by using virtual tours for those trips that the students and school may not be able to support financially. This way, students will still be exposed to new things.

Meaningful Learning

Is there anything that surprises you? What is it?
            The Intentional (Goal-Oriented/Regulatory) section surprises me. The main idea of this subtopic says, “All human behavior is goal directed” (Schank, 1994). I disagree with this statement. I think there are some instances when people move on what I call “autopilot”. When your body is on “autopilot”, movements are natural and they kind of happen on their own before you get a chance to really think about the actions being taken. In these situations, there is no goal. There is just movement. For instance, have you ever done something simple and when asked why you did it, your reply was something like “I don’t know. It just happened”? Therefore, I do not think it is fair to assume that “all” human behavior is goal directed, as there are always exceptions to every rule.
Which of the skills described in this chapter are most important to you as an educator? Which are most important to comprehending and being able to apply ideas in your discipline?
            I believe the section titled Authentic (Complex/Contextual) is the most important. The reading states, “…teachers and professors remove those ideas from their natural contexts in order to be able to cover the curriculum more efficiently. When they do, they strip those principles of the contextual cues that make them meaningful”. In other words, it is each educator’s job to dissect curricula so that the students can understand the concepts of the material to pass standardized testing. This is because information expected to be taught in schools is too broad and there is not enough time in the school year to teach all of it. There have been many classes where we did not discuss or review the whole book. Instead, we skipped over chapters to get to the more essential chapters, or the chapters that we would be tested on.

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