I have changed my 20% Project at least three times. In fact,
recently I have changed it to the use of virtual tours. Because I kept shifting
the focus of my project, I have not personally talked to any experts about my
project. However, we have talked about
virtual tours in class and I have even done research on them.
The main goal of my final project is to provide a service to
the less fortunate for free so that they may still be exposed to things their parents
are not able to provide for them. I believe it is not fair for any child to
miss out on opportunities due to their parents’ financial status. Therefore,
this program will expand the surroundings as well as the mindset of students
with the pleasure of remaining inside of the classroom.
My classmates seemed supportive of virtual touring. I do not
remember hearing any objections to it. But, why should there be. It is a chance
for students to use technology and to learn new things. No one should object to
such a program. It is designed to help people, not hurt them.
I changed my project multiple times too so I understand the frustration. I really like the concept behind what you chose though. You mentioned this idea in an earlier blog and I appreciate that you are keeping the less fortunate in mind so that finances are not keeping anyone from an education!