Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Personal Reflection

Personally, I am a visual and kinesthetic learner. While listening is a key component in learning, I must be able to see the concept as well as be able to do the concept before I can say I have truly learned the new material. Therefore, I am a strong advocate for the use of technology. I believe that technology is a great visual aid for students, and it will also allow the opportunity for students to actively participate in the lesson.
Some people believe that technology is just a distraction in schools. This is because of the use of cell phones to text or check social media. However, there are even ways of implementing meaningful learning through the use of cell phones. For instance, there is an app for UGA students that allow them to answer questions in class. Since students are on their phones a lot anyway, I think this was a great way to keep students from their main distractions in the classroom by keeping them on their phones but also engaged in the class lecture.
Our society is becoming more dependent upon technology every day. So, in order for students to be able to keep up with the times and to succeed, they must know how to use them. Why not maximize learning by teaching them to use technology in school.
One problem with this is that everyone will not have the same amount of access to technology. In this case, what is the solution for the less fortunate students?
I would be sure to implement technology by using virtual tours for those trips that the students and school may not be able to support financially. This way, students will still be exposed to new things.

1 comment:

  1. I personally don't believe the use of technology in the classroom should be as emphasized as it is; however I realize I do not speak for everyone and given your learning styles it will help you, but I can't say the same for myself. I respect your opinion, I just believe phones and increased technology is a distraction.
